News and Updates
News and updates about TaRL Africa, its programmes, and other diverse topics.

Featured Story
Inyang Udo-Umoren is the Country Director of TaRL Africa in Nigeria. What has your experience been so far working with TaRL Africa? I have been working with TaRL Africa since 2019, and it has been a huge learning journey

Government officials in Uganda visit Teaching at the Right Level in schools
Government officials visit TaRL sessions in Uganda. Photo: VVOB in Uganda “Why are we not teaching like this in […]

Kebbi Foundational Skills Accelerator (KeFSA) implementation continues into 2023 with government support
A learner is assessed during a TaRL session in Nigeria. Photo: TaRL Africa In September 2022, the Kebbi state government […]

GRiC mainstreams parental engagement in promoting holistic foundational learning in underserved communities of Kenya
TaRL session at Noosidan Primary School, Kajiado County. Photo: Samwel Mwayi, GRiC Nashipai is a mother of three children who […]

Mentoring Teachers: What needs to change? Evidence from a qualitative research of the Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach in Côte d’Ivoire.
Most Sub-Saharan African countries have made tremendous efforts to improve access to education. However, this effort is not commensurate with […]

If the data has issues, try programme-oriented solutions
A teacher assesses a learner during a TaRL session in Zambia. (Photo: TaRL Africa) As collecting and reviewing data […]

To Improve Learning Outcomes in Nigeria, a Commitment to Foundational Learning cannot be Overemphasized
Learners practice reading in small groups during a TaRL classroom session. Photo: TaRL Africa Even before the onset of the […]

Improving Learning Outcomes at Scale: Mid Year Updates 2022
Catch up on how we are improving learning outcomes at scale in our latest updates. While COVID-19 severely hindered learning […]

Transforming Education Begins with Teachers
Mr. Batholomew Kasamika in class teaching Grade 3 learners literacy. Photo: TaRL Africa It all began as a simple volunteer […]
Staff reflections: A letter to my teacher
As we celebrate teachers on the occasion of World Teachers Day, we asked our staff members to write a letter […]

Street Child: A tale of Resilience and Hope for Out-of-School Children in Cameroon
Children playing at a street learning corner. Photo: Street Child Since the beginning of the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon in 2016, […]