Please see below a few TaRL resources. Please note: you can find these resources, along with more information on each topic, on the corresponding webpage. See the TaRL Approach and Evidence sections.
Have a question about TaRL? Register for the forum to start posting questions and draw on the experience and knowledge of a range of TaRL implementers, policymakers, and supporters. If you would like to talk about adapting TaRL for your context or have some questions about the approach, sign up for a meeting with a member of the TaRL Africa Team.

by Varja Lipovsek, Co-Impact; Laura Poswell, JPAL Africa; Ashleigh Morrell, JPAL Africa; Devyani Pershad, Pratham; Nico Vromant, VVOB and Abe Grindle, Co-Impact
This is a working chapter on the “Reflections on systems practice: Implementing Teaching at the Right Level in Zambia”.
The chapter will be published next year in Systems Thinking in International Education and Development edited by Moira V. Faul and Laura Savage, forthcoming January 2023, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Moira Faul Laura Savage. The book, the fourth in the NORRAG Series on International Education and Development, reflects the mission of the global Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training (NORRAG) to produce, disseminate and broker critical knowledge on topical issues that emerge in education and development.
The chapter looks at the growth of TaRL programming in Zambia, showcasing how the program has been scaled and delivered within the Zambian education system.
Read the chapter here
November 2021
Qualitative research findings from Zambia: What drives teachers to change their behavior? click here
Interested in learning more about how researchers, policymakers, and implementers conduct research and use rigorous evidence to guide programs and policymaking? Explore these resources:
Read about TaRL Africa’s Learning Agenda: “The goals of TaRL Africa’s Learning Agenda are to focus our own process of improvement and to catalyse useful learning (and open sharing of these lessons) for all stakeholders involved in TaRL programmes across the continent. This document shares the TaRL Africa team’s current priorities for learning how to adapt and improve the approach at scale across the continent. The document also shares these ideas and remaining questions with other partners interested in the TaRL model. We hope that our partners will engage with the document to communicate their priorities, suggestions, and further questions. We envision this to be a continually evolving agenda for learning across many TaRL teams and partners.”
Please visit the implementation teams page for a full overview of teams responsible for teaching TaRL classes, mentoring TaRL instructors, and designing TaRL programmes.
For more information about instructors and mentors, download the pdfs or watch the training webinar:
- Instructors
- Mentors
- Teacher Training — learn more about equipping teachers to effectively implement TaRL
- Watch the Mentoring and Monitoring video
Visit the Assessment page of this website for a full explanation of the role of assessments in TaRL programmes. Visit the following websites for sample assessment tools and more information:
- Download the Assessment Tools PDF
- Watch the TaRL Assessment webinar
- See the assessment video, which shows assessment in action in Zambia.
- Learn more about ASER
- Learn more about the PAL Network
Visit the Classroom Methodology page, and the Reading and Mathematics sub-pages to read about the core TaRL principles and see example materials and videos.
Please visit the Monitoring page of this website for more information about monitoring processes and check back for sample Monitoring resources at a later stage. Read about monitoring systems in other contexts:
Watch TaRL Videos.