

Learning levels in Botswana are low and stagnating. Among its regional neighbours in East and Southern Africa, Botswana ranks amongst the highest in access to education, but ranks poorly on basic math and literacy proficiency, behind Tanzania and Kenya.

In 2018, Youth Impact (Formerly known as Young 1ove) and the University of Botswana conducted an assessment of basic literacy and numeracy in two regions and found striking gaps in learning. 32% of standard 5 students could not perform subtraction, and 88% could not perform simple division. 43.5% could not read a story in English, and a fifth of students could not read a paragraph. Students are falling multiple grade levels behind and they are failing to acquire basic skills as well.

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1) Southern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality. (2007). SACMEQ-III Project. Botswana. Retrieved from

2) UNESCO Institute for Statistics. (n.d). Gross intake ratio in first grade of primary education, total (% of relevant age group). Retrieved from

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